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Most Entertaining Azumanga Daioh Characters!

Azumanga Daioh, the anime adaptation of Kiyohiko Azuma’s manga, has a big cast of characters. The show features two professors, both of whom have feelings for the central group of six female students, in addition to Sakaki and her pals Kaorin and Kimura-sensei, a male instructor who has loved Sakaki.

In Newtype’s top 100 anime heroines of 2002, Osaka was ranked seventh, Chiyo was ranked eleventh, Sakaki was ranked twenty-first, and Yomi was ranked 78th. Azumanga Daioh was the second most popular female anime character on TV in 2002.

Here we have a list of Some Azumanga Daioh characters.

Chiyo Mihama

Azumanga Daioh Characters
Chiyo Mihama

This episode reveals that Chiyo Mihama (also known as Chiyo-chan), a 10-year-old child prodigy, skips five grades to reach the tenth grade (the beginning of high school in Japan). Grade-skipping is unheard of in Japan, and the show mocks the consequences. Chiyo is adored by the other characters, but they occasionally use her youth and academic prowess to their advantage. Tomo, on the other hand, appears to enjoy mocking her on a daily basis. Her classmates, on the other hand, are generally nice to her. She is self-conscious about participating in sports because she fears she will be a burden to other athletes because of her small stature.

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Chiyo’s classmates were initially envious of her intelligence, but as time passed, they became envious of her wealth (they own an enormous mansion and a summer house, which Chiyo invites her classmates to visit on several occasions). As a child, Osaka imagined Chiyo’s pigtails to be like wings that could be detached and replaced, or that they could control her or that they were separate beings from Chiyo. As a result, various visual gags can be used in manga and anime. Tadakichi, her Great Pyrenees dog, is almost always with her at home. Because of her small stature, she can even ride him like a horse. She is the only female student in her high school who will not take college entrance exams to study in the United States.

Ayumu “Osaka” Kasuga

Azumanga Daioh Characters
Ayumu “Osaka” Kasuga

Ayumu Kasuga, a transfer student at Osaka University, is one such person (Kasuga Ayumu). Osakan-style behavior was what Tomo and Yukari expected from her (loud, exuberant, and fond of bawdy jokes). Despite the fact that Ayumu’s behavior was the polar opposite of the “average” Osakan, Tomo quickly adopted the moniker. Despite her reservations about her label, Ayumu lacks the energy or desire to challenge it. She appears to be slow and easily distracted, but she simply has a different mind than the average Osakan. While this is true, because of her daydreaming, absentmindedness, and non-sequiturs, she is extremely adept at solving some types of riddles.

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Yukari, her homeroom teacher, has had enough of her snoozing during class, despite her best efforts. According to her peers, she may be the worst student-athlete in the school. Stretching as a warm-up exercise is out of the question due to her limited range of motion. Every now and then, she’ll come across something amusing in the most unexpected places

Tomo Takino

Azumanga Daioh Characters
Tomo Takino

His competitiveness and energy are matched only by his lack of physical prowess; he is dubbed “slacker” Tomo Takino (Takino Tomo). She challenges Sakaki and Chiyo to competitions she knows she will lose, despite her lack of desire to win. Yomi, a long-time classmate, is the person she irritates the most. Tomo’s personality is extremely impulsive and unconcerned about the consequences of her decisions. Only Chiyo, the only member of the main cast who is targeted by her, escapes her attacks. Tomo took the house keys and threw them away while visiting Chiyo’s summer cottage for the second time to see what would happen if they were lost. Tomo, on the other hand, has proven to be an exceptional worker when given the opportunity to focus on a single project. Finally, after openly admitting that she couldn’t do it, she received the grades required to attend the same high school as Yomi. Tomo reverted to her freewheeling ways only when she entered high school.

Yukari Tanizaki

Azumanga Daioh Characters
Yukari Tanizaki

English (Spanish in the US version / French in the UK version) and homeroom teacher Yukari Tanizaki are known as “Yukari-sensei” (class 3). On the other hand, she has a unique teaching style and maintains personal contact with her students. She is known as Yukari-chan by some of her students and Yukari-sensei by others. She can be a tyrant or a sweetheart depending on her mood.

In contrast to Nyamo, Yukari, like Tomo, acts on the spur of the moment (she stole a bike to escape being late). By the pupils, Yukari’s silver Toyota Corolla has been dubbed “The Yukari-mobile” (It belongs to her parents, and Yukari borrows it). Since their first journey to Chiyo’s summer abode, Chiyo has avoided riding with Yukari because of Yukari’s horrible driving skills. Yukari’s driving technique appears to be admired only by Tomo. The anime version of Yukarimobile is a ninth-generation Toyota Corolla, which the girls had never seen before they saw it in the manga.

Minamo “Nyamo” Kurosawa

Azumanga Daioh Characters
Minamo “Nyamo” Kurosawa

“Nyamo” or “Nyamo-sensei” is the nickname given to Minamo Kurosawa, a female gymnastics instructor. During her freshman year of high school, she was a homeroom teacher for Class 5. For the past two years, she has been the homeroom teacher for class 2. As well as Yukari’s high school opponent and friend, and also a former classmate. Nyamo, unlike Yukari, is a class favorite and respected member. As a result of this, Yukari will go to great lengths to seem like the superior teacher (including signing up Kagura for her class so Minamo would not have anyone who could challenge Sakaki in the Sports Festival). Minamo is annoyed by Yukari’s antics, but he attempts to keep his cool when she pulls pranks on him. Her efforts to help Yukari and encourage her to develop her teaching abilities are not in vain (although most of her efforts are met with failure).

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 When it comes to losing control, Minamo has proven to be no different than Yukari. She drinks a full bottle of sake and an undefined amount of beer when visiting Chiyo’s summer house in order to avoid being seen as intoxicated by her students. Instead of receiving what she wanted, her scheme goes awry, and she spends the rest of the night recounting the girls’ filthy stories from her own past (shown in a montage of wholesome images with music instead of dialogue). Even as a young child, Chiyo can’t understand what she’s saying to her. As the girls began to approach Nyamo with more formality and respect, she asks for clarification the following morning.



Kimura is the only consistent male character in the series (or Kimura-sensei). His “creepy” and “ephebophilic” behavioral qualities have earned him the nickname “Mr. Kimura,” a Classical Japanese teacher. It is not uncommon for him to “observe” female students while he is not in class, including when the school nurse measures their height and weight. This is something that Kaorin isn’t happy about, as he has affection for her as well. He refers to her as “Kaorin,” and she believes it’s strange that he has affections for her as a teacher’s assistant. The English translation by ADV has referred to Kimurin (Mr. Kims) as Kimura.

Kimura’s sunglasses keep his eyes and mouth shut most of the time. His demeanor changes when he is asked about his desire to become an instructor, and he looks like a person who has had an epileptic episode at this point. In the anime, he is typically depicted with his mouth open. A tiny minority of male students admire his “sincerity,” but the bulk of female students loathe him (and some faculty). As an out-of-school volunteer who recycles cans left on the street and makes regular donations to charities, Kimura stands out as a kind and giving individual. He even gave a whopping $10,000 to a temple while calling for world peace. His wife and children adore him, despite his odd fascination with the issue. Her husband is “very attractive” and “cool,” according to his wife.



In Azumanga Daioh, Chihiro is a classmate and close friend of Kaorin. Apart from her given name, almost nothing is known about her. When she emerges, she regularly spends time with Kaorin and assists her with various activities. When Chiyo-chan tutored Yukari once, she assumed the situation was reversed. Kaorin frequently directs his fury at Chihiro for no apparent reason; it is unknown whether she is aware of Kaorin’s crush on Sakaki. Chihiro was likewise caught aback by the cockroach that made an appearance in Episode 2 during class. Chihiro and another student (perhaps Kaorin) dressed up as Chihiro and Kaonashi from Spirited Away for the school’s senior sports festival. The surname of Chihiro has been speculated to be Inoue, however, this has not been confirmed.



Chiyo’s father, “Chiyo-Father” (“Chiyo-chichi”), is a bizarre cat-like figure that emerges and behaves erratically in Sakaki’s dreams. While Sakaki looks incapable of explaining his dreams to others (Chiyo-Father arrived in Osaka’s dream with the same claim), this does not mean he is indestructible, able to fly, a superb baseball player, or Santa Claus. He is lovely to be around yet is prone to illogical outbursts. On Chiyo’s birthday, Osaka presents her with a plush animal in the shape of Chiyo’s father after spotting it in a store (which may have been the first Chiyo-Father).

While Sakaki’s class is closed for Culture Fest, she crafts hats for her classmates in memory of Chiyo-Father. Yukari’s inquiry regarding “Father Hats” is addressed by Osaka, who reveals that Sakaki began referring to them as such. Chiyo-Father makes many appearances in Azumanga Daioh the Animation, frequently in unexpected locations. Additionally, Chiyo-Father is capable of floating, despises the color red, and is unsure whether he is a dog or a cat.

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