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Is Worst Roommate Ever A True Story?

Worst Roommate Ever, what do you instantly feel when you hear this, and how worst a roommate can be do you think? Well, in this case, the roommates have gone to the extent of killing their other roommates. The series produced by Blumhouse Television is a series that has taken away the ground beneath their feet. The story shown in this many series has gotten so much attention that it became the top 10 most watched series on the platform it was released on. Released on March 1, 2022, the series has received reviews for sure but has raised many questions in the mind of the people who have watched it. the biggest one being whether this really happened or not and guess what, we will answer exactly this in the article.

Is Worst Roommate Ever A True Story?

Is Worst Roommate Ever A True Story?

The newly released series named Worst Roommate Ever which has created a stir everywhere is indeed based on a true story. The cases that have been shown in the show are true as well. The incidents that have been covered and shown are also true. Getting goosebumps? Well, we can understand completely as such incidents ten created such horrors in the mind of the people and is pretty hard to believe as well. So, what was the story exactly that made the concept of having roommates scary? Let us tell you. The incident includes 4 cases of roommates who had some dreadful intentions and changed the lives of their victims into nightmares. The cases are Dorothea Puente, K.C Joy, Youssef Khater, and, Jamison Bachman.

The story is about abusing the trust of the people leading to murder. The lady is outwardly a nice person but inwardly a serial killer, another is a man who when fell in love with his roommate had to face consequences. The story includes con artists who are violent killers making the whole idea of sharing rooms scary. The story talks about the life of Dorothy Puente the first case who used to drug the disabled and elder tenants. Then there is KC Joy who committed the murder of Maribel Ramos her sharing roommate, Youssef Khater case 3 who was a con artist who would take huge amounts of money from the tenants and then would attack them, and the 4th case is of Jamison Bachman who went to the extent of murdering his own brother. The cases took place in the 80s with the latest one taking place in 2013.

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About Worst Roommate Ever

The series that has been featured on the OTT platform based on these stories has been directed by Domini Hofmann and covers 4 stories of roommates who made their living mates’ life dangerous. The survivors who could escape the roommates share their side of the story about these people through interviews and recordings. The story also shows an animated version of what happened and how the crime was committed to giving the idea.

Worst Roommate Ever Cast

The series does not include any cast except John Cabrera as it is a doc-series and the use of recordings, footage, interviews, and animation have been the major source of telling the story and the incident. It is normal for series like this that are based on real events and incidents they tend to have either some casts or no casts at all or they are made in the way of the series. So, for all those who like watching documentaries in the most real way, this is the right kind of series for you without a doubt with no exaggeration and just telling the story using the footage, archives, interviews, and experiences talking about the 4 people and the cases.

Worst Roommate Ever Trailer

Want to get a sneak peek of the series and want to know a little bit before watching the series? Are you new to the series and interested in knowing the story in detail? Then let me tell you that you can watch the trailer of the series to get an idea of what you will be signing up for. The trailer is itself spooky as one can hear a woman giving a call to 911. The trailer is available on the YouTube channel of Netflix. So, give it a watch and then start watching the series to know about the real horrifying cases in detail.

Where To Watch Worst Roommate Ever?

Now if you have decided to watch the series and are ready to unveil the true cases yourself then let me tell you where you can watch the series. The series is available on Netflix for streaming. It consists of 5 episodes and the running time of each of the episodes ranges between 39 to 62 minutes. The series is even short but the impact that it has left and will be leaving on new viewers is going to be unforgettable.

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